Dental Cleanings & Exam

Dental cleanings and exams in Wheaton and St. Charles

Your child deserves a healthy, confident smile that lasts a lifetime. This is why it’s so important to schedule regular children’s dental cleanings and exams at DPD Smiles.

By visiting our pediatric dentist every six months, your child can learn how to establish a strong oral hygiene routine and prevent dangerous tooth decay. It’s essential for babies, children, and teenagers alike to see the dentist for a dental cleaning twice a year.

Kids Dental Cleaning And Exam

Your child’s dental cleaning and exam is a simple yet powerful way to protect their oral health. Here’s what you can expect from a dental cleaning:

  • Remove hardened plaque clinging to the white enamel of each tooth
  • Scrape off sticky plaque that creates cavities
  • Polish the teeth to remove stains
  • Floss between the teeth
  • Apply fluoride
  • Review tips for the best at-home oral care

This type of deep, comprehensive dental cleaning can only be achieved by a dentist. Dr. Joshi uses special dental instruments designed to remove plaque and tartar that a toothbrush cannot.

Before or after your child’s dental cleaning, their mouth will also be examined. This simple, non-invasive exam helps your child’s pediatric dentist evaluate the condition of their mouth, including:

  • Presence of cavities
  • Signs of developing cavities
  • Risk of tooth decay
  • Need for dental sealants or fluoride
  • Signs of misalignment or need for orthodontic work

Overall, the dental cleaning and exam are designed to assess the health of your child’s mouth, thoroughly clean their teeth, and protect their smile for years to come.

Children’s Fluoride Application

Fluoride is a mineral that helps teeth become more resistant to decay. Fluoride is commonly found in drinking water and toothpaste. There are also prescription-strength fluoride treatments which are given in the dental office for home use. Fluoride treatments have evolved to become quick and painless. Instead of holding a mouth guard filled with a fluoride foam or gel in the mouth for a short time, they are now painted on within seconds. This is so much easier and tolerable for kids!

Our Policy On Fluoride


Our DPD Smiles team follows the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommendation to provide all children with two fluoride treatments a year, with more frequent applications for children at higher risk for caries. We assess your child’s risk level at each dental visit since their risk level changes continuously.

Mercury-Free Dental Office

Mercury is a highly toxic element, which is exactly why we promise our patients a mercury-free environment. Exposure to mercury, especially for young children, is linked to cognitive thinking delays, memory problems, language delays, and fine motor skill deficiencies. Some dentists still use silver fillings, which contain 50% mercury and can release mercury vapors into the bloodstream. Silver fillings are also unsightly. Our all white, tooth colored fillings go undetected!

Here at DPD Smiles, the health and wellness of our young patients is our top priority. We never use materials that expose your child to mercury, and we definitely don’t use fillings that contain mercury! You can rest assured that your child is safe in our mercury-free pediatric dental office.

No Shots And No Drills!

The DPD Smiles team is especially proud to provide your child’s regular dental care typically without typically needing to use any frightening or painful shots and drills! Whether your child needs cavity repairs, tounge tie or lip tie procedures, or anything in between, our experts use advanced laser technology and other gentle techniques to improve and protect your child’s dental health.