Are you thinking about getting Invisalign treatment in Wheaton? Invisalign is a state-of-the-art orthodontic option that dentists and orthodontists around the world offer. But when it comes to straightening your smile, you want to make sure you’re working with a specialist in this area – an orthodontist! Here are just a few reasons why:
Understanding the Biting Relationship
There’s more to correcting your tooth alignment than just straightening your teeth. How your teeth and jaw fit together (occlude) impacts everything from your TMJ to your face, neck, and shoulder muscles. If your bite is adjusted, other tissues will need to be considered too.
To Know Which Treatment is Best for You
Invisalign isn’t suitable for everyone. Our Wheaton orthodontist will have first-hand knowledge of knowing what works best for your unique circumstances. That way, you make the most intelligent investment in your time and money.
The Best Results
Although Invisalign is digitally mapped and virtually planned with the help of Invisalign labs, you need an orthodontist who can make adjustments on their end as well. If specific teeth seem to pose more of a challenge and need to be handled in a particular manner, working with an orthodontist will mean you’re tackling the “problem” head-on without any guesswork or delays.
Generally speaking, you’ll see higher quality results from orthodontic or Invisalign treatment when you work with an orthodontist. Simply because as specialists, that is the primary area of care they train in. Especially if you have significant spacing or misalignment issues.
Experience (and Knowing What Works)
Inexperienced Invisalign providers may need to perform more “fine-tuning after their patient is due to complete treatment. This can prolong the treatment process and cause frustration for their clients. The more experience your Invisalign orthodontist has, the more accurate your overall results.
Accuracy and Efficiency
Orthodontists focus on orofacial function and bite alignment all day, every day. Their highly tuned skill means you’ll typically see the best results right off the bat, thus reducing the time required to straighten your smile, even for minor tooth movement that only requires a few months.
Choosing a Wheaton Orthodontist
Not all orthodontists offer Invisalign. Some offer competitors that may or may not work the same way. To be sure you’re getting the true Invisalign experience, always work with a certified Invisalign provider in Wheaton.
Invisalign Treatment
Since DPD Smiles has both an orthodontist and a pediatric dentist on staff, you or your child can enjoy more efficient and affordable care close to home. Contact our Wheaton Invisalign team today to find out if clear aligners are right for you!
We accept most insurances
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